
The Canadian Theatre Critics Association is a National Section member of the International Association of Theatre Critics.

About the IATC:

logoAICTThe IATC draws together more than two thousand theatre critics, through some fifty National Sections. Founded in Paris in 1956, the IATC is a non-profit, Non-Governmental Organization benefitting under statute B of UNESCO.

The purpose of the IATC is to bring together theatre critics in order to promote international cooperation. Its principal aims are to foster theatre criticism as a discipline and to contribute to the development of its methodological bases; to protect the ethical and professional interests of theatre critics and to promote the common rights of all its members; and to contribute to reciprocal awareness and understanding between cultures by encouraging international meetings and exchanges in the field of theatre in general.

IATC Yearly Events:

The IATC holds a world congress every two years, seminars for young critics twice a year, as well as symposiums, and contributes to juries. English and French are the association’s two official languages. All CTCA members are eligible to attend any of these events. Details are announced regularly in our newsletters or via direct email.

Critical Stages:

xcritical_stages_10_cover.jpg.pagespeed.ic.4kcYRnWXdZThe IATC operates its own webjournal, Critical Stages. The journal’s aims are fourfold: to document, celebrate, challenge and foster internationally the discipline and the art of theatre criticism, with theatre broadly defined; to employ theatre criticism as a springboard for opening communication between theatre practitioners, theoreticians and the general public; to create “critical space” for the theatre critic to develop and thrive; and to increase the general readership for theatre criticism by providing international readers with a source for information and dynamic discussion of themes and trends in contemporary international theatre.

CTCA members are offered regular opportunities to write for this publication which receives over 50,000 hits a month. To learn more about Critical Stages or to participate in its activities, please visit